This Agreement applies when using the website located at and to all relevant subsections of the Website.
This Agreement governs the relationship between the owner of the site, hereinafter referred to as the “Administration”, and an individual who uses the Site, hereinafter referred to as the “User“.
This Agreement is a public offer – an offer addressed to an indefinite circle of persons, which expresses the intention of the person who made the offer (the Administration), to consider himself to have entered into an agreement with the addressee who will accept the offer.
By visiting the Site and using its functionality, the User agrees to comply with this User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement“) and the Privacy Policy (hereinafter also referred to as the “Policy“), as well as any conditions published or agreed with the User posted by the Administration on the Site.
Visiting and using the Site is allowed only under the terms of this Agreement. The proper acceptance of this offer in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, guided by Art. 633, 641 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, it is considered that the User performs any of the following actions:
1) the beginning of using the functionality of the Site;
2) familiarization with the terms of the Agreement;
3) payment for the services of the Administration through the functionality of the site.
The User guarantees that he has reached the age of 18 and complies with other requirements of the current legislation of the country of which the User is a resident to conclude this Agreement, and also has full legal powers (legal capacity and legal capacity) to accept and fulfill legal obligations under the Agreement.
The Agreement can be changed by the Administration unilaterally without any special notification to the User. The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Site. The current version of the Agreement is located on the Site page at
The administration recommends that Users regularly check the terms of this Agreement for changes. Continued use of the Site by the User after changes are made to the terms of this Agreement means the User’s consent and acceptance of such changes.
By accepting this Agreement, the User confirms his consent to the processing of his personal data by the Administration in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of application and interpretation of this Agreement, the basic terms defined below are used (unless otherwise expressly specified in the Agreement). In the text of the Agreement, these terms can be indicated with a capital or small letter in the singular or plural, as well as in the form of abbreviations. The Agreement may use terms that are not defined in this section. In this case, the interpretation of such a term is made in accordance with the text of the Agreement.
Site – an Internet resource consisting of a set of computer programs, databases and information placed in them. The site is contained in an information system that ensures the availability of the specified information on the Internet at the address (domain name): ( including all levels of the specified domain, both functioning at the date of his visit by the User, and created during the entire period of the domain.
Administration – grants the User the right to use the Site under the terms of a non-exclusive license and brings it to the public, distribution, operation, maintenance, administration of the Site.
User – a person who has entered into an Agreement with the Administration by accepting an offer posted on the Site page at, which in accordance with this Agreement is granted the right to use the Site under the terms of this Agreement.
Event – a set of modern dance master classes and / or entertainment programs organized by the Administration, conducted by the Administration on the terms specified on the Site.
Order – an application issued by the User in the form of the Site’s functionality for the provision of services for registering the User in conducting Events organized by the Administration.
1. Subject of the Agreement
1.1. The site belongs to the Administration and is protected by the laws of Ukraine. The Administration unconditionally owns all exclusive rights to the Site, namely the program code, scripts, any other software of the Site, as well as all designs, technical graphics, photographs, drawings, illustrations, works of art, videos, music, sounds, names, words, titles , phrases, logos, signs and other materials that are part of the Site or posted by the Administration on the Site.
1.2. The Administration provides the User with a personal, worldwide, free, non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable and non-sublicensable license to access and use the Site in the following ways:
1.2.1. receive information about the posted proposals for participation in events organized by the Administration;
1.2.2. leave a request for the provision of services to the Administration for registration of the User for the Event;
1.2.3. purchase consulting and registration services for the Events organized by the Administration;
use additional functions and services of the Site in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.
2. Assurances of the User
2.1. By accepting this Agreement, the User:
2.1.1. bears full responsibility arising from viewing / downloading information posted on the Site;
2.1.2. undertakes not to use the Site for any commercial or non-commercial purposes;
2.1.3. guarantees that he uses the Site solely for personal purposes, not related to the implementation of business activities. The user agrees that he is not entitled to use the Site to advertise goods, works and services, both his own and third parties;
2.1.4. agrees that in the event that, as a result of unlawful actions of the User, damage is caused to the Administration and / or to third parties, the User is obliged to compensate for the damage caused. At the same time, the Administration has the right to unilaterally and extrajudicially refuse to execute this Agreement without refund or any compensation to the User for the cost of paid consulting services or placing an Order;
2.1.5. acknowledges that he is fully responsible for the data reported to the Administration through the functionality of the Site. The user acknowledges that he has no claims to the Administration for an incorrectly placed Order on the Site, since he did not independently verify its correctness during the Order;
2.1.6. agrees to receive from the Administration automatically generated emails (automatic mailing) for informational, marketing and entertainment purposes;
2.1.7. agrees that the Administration may at any time, at its sole discretion, suspend, restrict or terminate the access of the selected User or all Users to all or any of the pages of the Site without giving any reason without prior notice, without being responsible for any harm that may be caused To the user by such action.
2.1.8. acknowledges that he is notified of the possibility of the participation of minors in the events organized by the Administration, exclusively accompanied by parents or other legal representatives.
3. Law and obligations of the parties
3.1. The user is obliged:
3.1.1. familiarize yourself with all the terms of this Agreement in detail, accept them and strictly abide by when using the Site, purchasing consulting services or placing an Order;
3.1.2. when placing an Order, provide accurate and complete information about yourself, which is necessary for placing an Order. If the User does not act on his own behalf, then he is fully responsible for the persons in whose interests he acts and agrees that such persons, as well as the User himself, may be denied the provision of consulting services or placing an Order ;
3.1.3. pay in full the cost of consulting services and / or ordering in accordance with the conditions specified on the Site;
3.1.4. immediately leave the Site if he gained access to the Site in a country where the information posted on the Site is prohibited by local law;
3.1.5. not copy, modify, transfer, create any derivative works, use or reproduce in any way any copyrighted material, including music, lyrics, phonograms and performances, images, trademarks, trade names, service marks or other intellectual property and / or results of intellectual activity, any materials or proprietary information available through the Site without the written permission of the Administration;
3.1.6. not use robots, bots, spiders, search robots, scrapers, search applications, proxies or other manual or automatic devices, methods or processes to access, retrieve, index, spyware or in any way reproduce or circumvent navigation the structure or presentation of the Site or its content;
3.1.7. not use meta tags, code or other devices that contain any links to the Site (or any trademarks, trademarks, service marks, logos or slogans used by the Site) to direct any person to any other website for any purpose;
3.1.8. not modify, adapt, sublicense, translate, sell, reverse engineer, decipher, decompile or otherwise disassemble any part of the Site or induce others to do so;
3.1.9. not to use and / or develop any third-party applications that interact with the Site without the written consent of the Administration;
3.1.10. not investigate, scan, or test the vulnerability of the Site, any system or network;
3.1.11. not to disrupt the normal operation of the Site;
3.1.12. not post, publish, transmit or distribute messages that may be of a criminal nature or cause any harm to the Administrator, as well as not allow public actions aimed at causing harm to the Administrator, including his business reputation;
3.1.13. comply with the provisions of the current legislation of Ukraine and this Agreement.
3.2. The user has the law:
3.2.1. use the functionality of the Site in accordance with the terms of this Agreement;
3.2.2. send any requests, questions, suggestions and claims related to the functioning of the Site and / or the actions of the Administration through the feedback form on the Site;
3.2.3. choose a convenient payment method for the Order from those offered by the Administration through the functionality of the Site. In this case, the User is obliged to independently familiarize himself with the rules for processing a particular payment and the rules of the payment system operator;
3.2.4. to access the personal data transferred to the Administration, as well as to correct, limit processing, delete the specified personal data.
3.3. The administration has the law:
3.3.1. modify the Site at its discretion, including adding new functions or making improvements, as well as removing some functions. The administration has the right not to notify the User about the performance of such actions;
3.3.2. completely suspend the provision of access to the Site, with or without prior notification of the User;
3.3.3. require the User to comply with all procedures for placing and paying for the Order in accordance with the rules set forth in this Agreement or on the Site;
3.3.4. establish and change tariffs for the cost of participation in Events organized by the Administration, consulting services or placing an Order unilaterally and at any time;
3.3.5. use the information received about the User for the purposes of targeted advertising messages, development of advertising materials, displaying advertising materials on the websites of the Administration’s partners, as well as for other purposes;
3.3.6. to send e-mail to the User in order to inform about changes and additions to the services of the Site, to provide an electronic check for the services rendered, as well as for the purpose of information notification;
3.3.7. prohibit the User from accessing the Site without giving reasons;
3.3.8. change, cancel this Agreement at any time;
3.3.9. receive payment for the provision of consulting services and / or placing an order;
3.3.10. suspend (block) the User’s access to the Site if the User violates the terms of this Agreement or the legislation of Ukraine.
3.4. The administration is obliged:
3.4.1. provide the User with complete and sufficient information in accordance with the requirements of the law about the Administration and the services provided with the help of the Site within the framework of this Agreement, as well as instructions for placing, paying for the Order. The user agrees that the information posted on the Site is complete and sufficient.
3.4.2. take reasonable measures to protect the personal data of Users, as well as other information protected by law.
4. Registration of the Order for the provision of services for registration of the User in the conduct of events organized by the Administration, and the provision of consulting services
4.1. Registration of the Order for the provision of services for registering the User in holding events organized by the Administration, and the provision of consulting services is carried out on the terms available to the User for review before the payment is made. Before the User makes a payment, the Administration informs the User of information about the event being organized, as well as other information in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation.
4.2. When placing an Order, the User enters into an agreement with the Administration with execution on demand (subscription agreement), according to which the User undertakes to make payment for each individual Order in the amount specified in clause 4.4 of the Agreement, for the provision by the Administration of the service for registering the User for the organized Event and / or provision of consulting services.
4.3. The cost of providing services for registering the User in holding Events organized by the Administration specified in clause 4.4 of the Agreement is established by the Administration and can be changed at any time at the discretion of the Administration.
4.4. The cost of providing services for registering the User in holding the Events organized by the Administration is the indicated amount on the website on the day of payment for 1 (one) participant of the Event.
4.5. The cost of registration services specified in this paragraph is not included in the cost of the User’s participation in the Events organized by the Administration.
4.6. The cost of the User’s participation in the Events organized by the Administration is determined by the Administration, published on the Site and can be changed at any time at the discretion of the Administration. At the same time, for the User who placed the Order and received confirmation in the manner specified in clause 4.7.6 of this agreement, the cost of participation in the Event organized by the Administration is unchanged, is the amount specified by the Administration in the confirmation of the Order, and is payable upon arrival at the place holding the Event.
4.7. The user takes the following actions when placing an order through the functionality of the Site:
4.7.1. selects one of the presented options for the Events, depending on the proposals posted by the Administration;
4.7.2. fills out a questionnaire for the provision of services for registering a User for an organized Event, in which the selected Event is indicated;
4.7.3. enters contact information (name, phone number, e-mail address);
4.7.4. indicates the number of registered participants of the Event;
4.7.5. sends a completed application;
4.7.6. pays the cost of registration using the payment service “WayForPay” in proportion to the number of registered participants of the Event;
4.7.7. receives a message to the specified email address with information about the Order number;
4.7.8. after receipt of payment for the Order, the Administration registers the User for the Event selected by him in the group corresponding to the Order and provides confirmation of registration in the form of a message with recommendations, useful links, advice from the Administration on preparation for the Event and the terms of placement to the email address specified by the User when filling out the Application. By the decision of the Administration and if necessary, the User can be provided with advice by phone without charging an additional fee.
4.8. If, in the opinion of the User, the Order was paid, but registration and / or consultation was not provided, the User undertakes, within 3 (three) calendar days from the date of payment for the Order, to contact the Administration through the Site functionality and find out the reason for non-receipt of payment / refusal to placing an order and / or providing consulting services.
4.9. Registration for an event organized by the Administration and selected by the User is considered to be provided from the moment a message is sent to the User’s e-mail address specified in the Application with information about placing an Order, and a User’s consultation.
4.10. Refunds for registration of the User for the Event organized by the Administration and / or the provided consulting services are not carried out.
5. Responsibility of the parties to the Agreement
5.1. The site is provided on an “as is” basis. The Administration does not guarantee the uninterrupted and error-free operation of the Site.
5.2. The administration is not responsible and does not compensate for any damage, direct or indirect, caused to the user of the Site or third parties as a result of the use or inability to use the Site, as well as as a result of the use or inability to use the information obtained through the Site.
5.3. The site may contain links to other resources. The administration is not responsible for the content of such resources.
5.4. The user acknowledges that his use of any information obtained through the Site will be done by him exclusively at his own peril and risk.
5.5. The user independently ensures compliance with safety measures when participating in the Event organized by the Administration.
5.6. The Administration is not responsible for the discrepancy between the provided consulting services and / or services for registering the User for events organized by the Administration, the expectations of the User and / or his subjective assessment. The advice provided to the User cannot be considered as a guarantee.
5.7. The user assumes all possible risks associated with his actions to make mistakes and inaccuracies in the data provided to him when placing an Order.
5.8. The Administration is not responsible for any losses and moral harm incurred by the User as a result of erroneous understanding or misunderstanding of information about the procedure for placing / paying for the Order, as well as receiving and using consulting services.
5.9. The administration is not responsible in the event of any injury, disability, death, damage or damage caused to the User participating in the Event or his property, due to his own negligence, or other reason fully permitted by law.
5.10. In case of violation by the User of any part of this Agreement, the Administration has the right to restrict the User’s access to the Site.
5.11. The Administration is not responsible for the functioning of the User’s computer and software products, as well as for the operation of the Internet, individual network nodes, individual providers, and other Internet users.
5.12. Any party to the Agreement is released from liability for full or partial failure to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement if such failure was the result of force majeure circumstances, that is, extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances under these conditions. Force majeure circumstances, in particular, include: natural disasters, hostilities, strikes, actions and decisions of state authorities, failures in telecommunications and energy networks.
6. Duration of the Agreement
6.1. This Agreement comes into force from the moment of its conclusion and is valid for an indefinite period. The terms of the Agreement remain in effect even after the User stops visiting and using the Site.
6.2. The Administration has the right to terminate this Agreement and immediately terminate access to the Site if the User violates any term of this Agreement.
6.3. Termination of the agreement will not affect the rights received by the Parties during the term of the Agreement.
7. Other conditions
7.1. In the event that any provisions of this Agreement are not applicable, such provisions will be applied to the extent possible, in the opinion of the Administration, most consistent with the intentions of the parties to the Agreement, and the remaining provisions of the Agreement will remain in force.
7.2. In the event of disputes or disagreements related to compliance with this Agreement, the User and the Administration will make every effort to resolve them through negotiations. The party to the Agreement, which has claims and / or disagreements, sends the other party to the Agreement a message indicating the claims and / or disagreements that have arisen.
7.3. If the reply to the message is not received by the party that sent the message to the Agreement within 30 (thirty) business days from the date of sending the corresponding message, or if the parties to the Agreement do not resolve the claims and / or disagreements that have arisen, the dispute shall be resolved in court at the location of the Administration.
8. Intellectual property.
8.1. The Administration provides the User with a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable and revocable license to use the services and any materials or information obtained during the Event or on the Site. The materials and any information provided as part of the services or on the Site, the User can only be used for personal non-commercial use, except for cases when the User has received written permission from the Administration to use them for other purposes.
8.2. The user agrees to create and use only one account and not to transfer access or credentials to third parties to access it.
8.3. The Administration of the Event does not give the User material or intellectual property rights to the Services or materials used.
8.4. Along with the materials created during the course of the Course, the User provides the Administration with a completely transferable, free, perpetual, sublicensable, non-exclusive, worldwide license to copy, distribute, modify, publicly distribute and reproduce the User’s materials, as well as to create derivative works and use in others. purposes.
8.5. The license specified in clause 8.4 of this Agreement gives the Administration the right to provide the User’s materials to other Users who will subsequently purchase the Administration’s Services. This condition does not restrict other legal rights of the Administration to the User’s materials, for example, under other licenses. The Administration has the right to delete or change the User’s materials for any reason, including if, in the opinion of the Administration, they do not comply with the Agreement.
8. Details of the Administration
Where attention goes energy flows – Poetic Body workshop represents a body that is fully present, alive, and engaged. It is an ongoing, immersive practice built on experience of Happy Feet and Playful Presence that draws on inclusive approaches and techniques such as contemporary dance, improvisation, and composition. It incorporates the concept of the body as an instrument or medium capable of expressing and embodying diverse movement qualities, rhythm, tension, emotions, and immaterial. Poetic Body is about the ability to execute any desired action fully, passionately and with ease. We bring action by waking up the body and mind through various physical games, attuning the body to the moment and the space, channelling energy through qigong principles, and connecting with ourselves and the environment. I love to create a friendly atmosphere where we respect the differences and nourish the individuality. In such atmosphere, the learning potential is enormous and even the most sophisticated movement seems easy. I offer a holistic approach to dancing, in which the practise of spontaneous and set movement is intertwined, technique meets with passion and wellbeing is priority. The emphasis is on rhythm and musicality, but we also pay attention on articulation of the different body parts, precise execution of the movement, the foot work, jumps, and spins. I guide you through the exploration of contrasting movement qualities such as range of body tension and we’ll investigate the connection between emotion and motion. I bring my extensive experience as a long-time practitioner of instant composition into each session, guiding students through techniques that enhance presence, awareness, responsiveness, and creativity within performance. I have been teaching for over twenty years and my practice is developed, interconnected, and mutually influenced around the craft of choreography, dance and teaching.
MILAN TOMÁŠIK (SK/SLO) is a choreographer, performer, teacher and artistic director working internationally in the field of dance and performing arts. His training includes J. L. Bella Conservatory Banská Bystrica (SK), the Academy of Performing Arts, Bratislava (SK), Moving Academy for Performing Arts (NL), and P.A.R.T.S. (BE), directed by Anna Teresa de Keersmaeker. In 2024 he completed his master’s studies at Alma Mater Europaea (SLO).
Milan has performed professionally for twenty years, collaborating with artists across Europe such as Eva Weissmann, Katarina Zagorski, Iztok Kovač, Mala Kline, Maja Delak, Magdalena Reiter, Anja Zag Golob, Andreja Rauch Podrzavnik, Sláva Daubnerová, Agostina D’Alessandro, Aleksandra Pavlovič, Charlie Brittain. He is co-founder of the Les SlovaKs dance collective with whom he created and performed three works that acquired international fame. The first piece is Opening Night (2007), then Journey Home (2009) and Fragments (2012).
His choreographic work is performed internationally, has delivered commissions for Krakow Dance Theater (Treatise, Poland), Scenario Pubblico (Intrecciato, Italy), Divadlo Štúdio tanca (Besi, Veselosti minulosti, Slovakia) and tri4 association (Pokrm, Slovakia). In 2022, Milan collaborated with a director Sláva Daubnerová on adaptation of George Sand’s novel Gabriel at Badishes Staatstheater in Karlsruhe (Germany). In 2014 he founded his own dance company Milan Tomášik & Co and created three dance performances Hunting Season (2014), Silver Blue (2015) and Fight Bright (2018) performed on various European festivals. The Hunting Season performance has been selected and supported by Dancenet Sweden to tour nationally, the piece has also received two awards for the lighting design (KioSk festival, SK and Gibanica festival, SLO) and Ksenija Hribar Award for the best dancer (Tina Valentan, Gibanica festival, SLO). Milan’s authorship and unique stage presence is best represented in his solo performances Within (2006), Off-beat (2011), Solo 2016 (2016), and Arms That Never Knew Me (2024). Since 2018, he collaborates closely with British artist Charlie Brittain on productions Echo (2019), Indefinite Frequency (2021), Unchanging (2022) and Arms that never knew me (2024). The dance concert Indefinite Frequency with the Slovenian Percussion Project (SToP) was selected and supported by the Pan Adria network in 2021.
Milan is regularly invited as a guest teacher around the world to deliver his signature workshops Happy Feet and Playful Presence, in 2023 fused in Poetic Body. During 2023-2024 season he was partly employed at dance gymnasium (SVŠGUGL) in Ljubljana. His teaching includes Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance (AT), Le Centre national de dance contemporaine Angers (F), The Danish National School of Performing Arts Copenhagen, Holstebro (DK), Stockholm University of the Arts (SE), Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Arts/University of Zagreb (CRO), Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts (DE), Belgrade Dance Institute (RS), Alma Mater Europaea (SLO), Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (LT), Academy of Theatre and Dance/Amsterdam University of the Arts (NL), School of Fine and Performing Arts Tilburg (NL), London Contemporary Dance School (UK), Training with one Dublin (IE), The Academy of Performing Arts Bratislava (SK), B12 Berlin (DE), Deltebre dansa (ES), La Central del Circ Barcelona (ES), El Graner Barcelona (ES), Tictac Art Centre (BE), La Raffinerie Brussels (BE), Danse Centrum Jette Brussels (BE), P.A.R.T.S. summer school Brussels (BE), Out of the Toolbox Ghent (BE), Kaserne Basel (CH), Tanzwerkstatt Europa München (DE), Akropoditi dance festival Syros (GR), Dance Days Chania Crete (GR), Platforma Nest – research cycle Ljubljana, Dance Theatre Ljubljana (SLO), Vibra Ljubljana (SLO), EN-KNAP (SLO), Divadlo Štúdio tanca (SK), Akram Khan Company (UK), Ultima Vez Brussels (BE), Theatre Bielefeld (DE), Yucatan dansa Merida (Mexico), Rosario, Tucuman (Argentina), Kazan, Yekaterinburg (Russia), The New Beijing (China), Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo) and CoDa21 San Juan (Puerto Rico), among others.
Milan was an associated artists of Scenario Pubblico in Catania (IT) and an artistic curator of Out of the Toolbox workshop festival in Ghent, (BE). He was a recipient of the Dance Web Scholarship at ImpulsTanz Festival (AT), was awarded the Prize of the City Prievidza (SK) and received an award for the solo performance Off-beat at international festival Cortoindanza in Cagliari, Sardinia (IT).